问:论文 2008年以来中国的财政政策及影响
- 答:货币政策从宽松到现在紧缩,宽松的货币政策,导致通胀,直接CPI居高不下,未来还有创新高的可能!为了抑制通胀,国家开始收紧银根,提高存款准备金率,银行开始出现钱荒,民间借贷(高利贷)开始变得疯狂!
- 答:法律的系统思考
1 .-权宜之计往往是最慢的方法相比,精心策划和深思熟虑的制度:每一个系统有一个良好的价值和它的发展并不总是更快。当经济增长过多,在同一系统将寻找途径得到补偿的,或许会缓慢风险为本组织的生存。
2 .-现有拦劫的因果关系:有很大差距的行动及其结果的系统变得更加复杂,拖延之间将不再的原因,其已知造成的影响。
3 .-小的变化可以产生巨大的结果:小,以及重点的行动,有时可以产生显着持久的改善。
4. - 2的目标,显然是矛盾的一个可以达成:一个思想限于两个部分没有远见的过程中,盖帽考虑是否有可能管理一个以上的目标,即使他们似乎矛盾。
5 .-切割大象一半不产生两个小象:有必要用一种全面的远见,以了解该系统的问题产生。不成体系可以使您忽视的相互作用和过程,基本内容的理解,每一个问题。 - 答:This article in the brief review recent for ten year our country financial policy all previous change's foundation, summarized the different time financial policy implementation background, the measure as well as the result separately, and summarized these for ten years government to utilize the financial policy from the experience which accumulated in the intervention economic process, finally, the question which existed in view of the implementation process in proposed consummated our country financial policy several suggestions.
- 答:In this paper, a brief review of the past ten years all of China's fiscal policy changes on the basis of the different periods of time were summed up the implementation of the context of fiscal policy, measures and results, and thus summed up the Government over the past decade the use of fiscal policy intervention in the economy in the process of accumulation of experience, finally, the implementation process for the problems that exist in a sound financial policy of our proposals.