问:秘密花园英文读后感 600字
- 答:故事发生在上个世纪初,玛丽•伦罗斯的父母在一场霍乱中丧生,从小性情迅扰誉古怪的玛丽被人们从印度送往了英国的约克郡的密素斯特庄园和姨父克雷文先生一起生活。顿时,从小一直放任自流、任性而自私的小玛丽被无助包围了。她在知更鸟的指引下找到了尘封以久的花园,并在花园里结识了农家小伙迪肯,并治好了科林少爷——一个总想会变成驼背、会死的少年的病。他们和花园在魔法下一起经历了一场诗意的复活。身处痛苦和绝望中的克雷文先生听到亡妻的神秘召唤,重返花园时,他找到了丢失以久的快乐,开启了通往从前、未来的门。
同时,成人比孩子更容易忽视快乐,甚至漠视快乐。童年是一去不复返的光阴。在孩童时代的那种对快乐的天然领悟和完全接纳的能力,更是弥足珍贵。 文中克雷文老爷在爱妻过世之后,埋了花园的钥匙,想借此阻断对爱妻的思念,但是这却使他沦为悲伤和痛苦的阶下囚。隔断快乐并不能换来宁静,它只能使你郁闷不堪,在孤独和痛苦中死亡,走向永远的黑暗。反之,一如既往地维系希望——快乐需要勇气。
快乐是人生之本,人如果没有了快乐,就如行尸走肉一般。没有了快乐,也就没有了成功的喜悦;没有了失败的泪水;没有了失去后的珍惜;没有了一切的情感。 花园是在快乐中诞生,在悲剧中尘封,又是在快乐中开启,这是一个多么戏剧性的转变,关键在于快乐。正如伯内特所说:有花园就有未来,有未来就还活!
- 答:The book tells of a little girl who, when she lost her loved one, was lodging at her relatives'亮差house, developed a curiosity about a forbidden garden that had been abandoned for a long time. She went on an "expedition" with her sick cousin, a friend she accidentally met here, and after getting acquainted with it, they went every day for a while. My cousin'敬雹皮肆扒s illness was miraculously good.
Read this story, let me understand the truth, that is the magic of nature. People must have green life, such as oxygen bar, if there is no green leaves, there is no oxygen, there is no oxygen, human beings can not survive without oxygen. In addition, green can also make us change our mood, happy, as the saying goes: three laughs a day, do not take medicine.
So, love the green! Love nature!
- 答:Young Mary Lennox is a bad-tempered little girl that no one likes.Mary is orphaned by an earthquake in India and sent to England to live with her uncle in a cold ancestral manor in Yorkshire.Mary's uncle is still mourning for his wife who died ten years ago.A resourceful and inquisitive girl,Mary soon makes two exciting discoveries.First she finds an overgrown secret garden,the favorite of her aunt.The garden has been locked up since her death.Second,Mary discovers that she has a cousin,Colin,a sickly boy who has been told he must remain in bed out of the daylight at all times.Mary and another new friend,Dickon,bring the garden back to life.They decide to bring Colin to see the garden.That fateful decision miraculously change all the people's lives.