- 答:Abstract: This study used as a modifier of calcium sulfate, SBS for toughener, HIPS as the theme of plastic posites. Mixed melt extrusion through enhanced posite materials. posite material to the mechanical properties, thermal properties and melt flow of the test. Discussed the calcium sulfate whisker HIPS enhance the mechanism. HIPS on the microstructure posite materials were observed.
The results show that: calcium sulfate whisker HIPS modified its mechanical properties have a certain effect of the increase, melt flow increased, but the heat resistance has declined.
Key words: HIPS; calcium sulfate whisker; modification; mechanical properties; thermal properties - 答:你可以去下个大众翻译软件^^我的摘要就是用那个+我哥帮我翻的弄的。
- 答:Nano flame retardant with high efficiency, versatility, low smoke, low toxicity, environmentally friendly, low filling volume of unique advantages, which greatly promoted the flame-retardant polymer posite materials widely used. This paper describes the recent years with carbon nanotubes, magnesium hydroxide, aluminum hydroxide, antimony trioxide as flame retardant additives in posite materials, the latest research, analysis of the flame retardant properties of materials retardant mechanism, and polymer-based posite application prospect.
- 答:Nano flame retardants are highly effective, multi-function, low smoke, low toxicity, environmental protection, low filling quantity special advantage, greatly contributed to the flame retardant polymer posites, widely used. This paper briefly introduced in recent years to carbon nanotube, magnesium hydroxide, aluminum hydroxide, antimony trioxide as additives posites flame retardant the latest progress in research, this paper analyzes the characteristics and the flame retardant materials, and flame retardant mechanisms of flame retardant posites application prospect in the future.
- 答:吸水polyaminosiloxane环氧热固性聚合物
作者: J.C. Cabanelas ,法国兴业Prolongo湾塞拉诺,学者布拉沃,学者Baselga
吸水率是一种常见的问题环氧树脂基复合材料,尤其是在界面区域。相反,环氧树脂,有机硅具有疏水性材料。热固性环氧改性有机硅应改善与物理性能,由于减少了水的扩散。双酚A二缩水甘油醚( DGEBA )治愈的合成氨perfunctionalised硅氧烷。吸水率分析了不同的技术,包括近红外光谱( FTIR )吸水率在五二○○厘米- 1和重量。菲克定律扩散系数进行了计算。溶胀平衡树脂还分析。吸收水触发的固化反应强烈,从而使达到高转换率。
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